Monday, October 14, 2019

Challenges of Recruitment and Selection

Based on the size of the workplace, the type of role for which the recruitment or selection is done, the challenges faced, and problems faced will differ. Below are some of the most common challenges faced by organizations.

                              Figure 5: Highest-Impact Strategic Recruitment Challenges

(Djabatey, 2012)

  • In some cases, the recruitment process will not provide the candidates that fulfill the qualifications of the job (Djabatey, 2012). Hence discovering the best candidate from an underqualified pool of applicants will be a challenge. In a situation like this, the best candidate would be selected rather than the most suitable person for the job. In such a situation, the learning and development capacity of the candidate should also be evaluated by the organization (Djabatey, 2012)

  • Also, candidates who are eligible would be contacted by recruiters regularly, and candidates with rare difficult to find skill sets consider several jobs offers at the same time (Rehman, 2012). Therefore, extra effort must be put in such cases to persuade such candidates to select the recruiter’s company over other companies. Further, the candidates will also negotiate, and the negotiations should be compatible with the company policies and standards which is a great challenge faced by modern organizations (Rehman, 2012).

  •  Further, HR teams whose task is to hire new candidates for the workplace have to find new candidates as fast as possible whenever a position is open. Usually, this time period will be the resignation time allowed by the resigned employee and the HR department should fulfil the position immediately to reduce, delays and bottlenecks in the organization’s processes. Hence, fast firing is a challenge (Louw, 2013)

  • Unconscious biases are usually the basis for many companies to be unable to attract ad recruit diverse candidates (Collings, 2014).. Employing objectively helps a company as it lets recruiters hire the best person for a certain work without stereotype interfering other than just providing legal obligations. Hence, referrals from the top management and their personal recommendations will provide biases for the selected candidate and this is a challenge in recruiting the right candidate for the job (Collings, 2014)

  • Further, better candidates are attracted and engaged if the recruiter has a good employer brand (Zhao & Liden, 2011). More candidates will be willing to work for a popular and a large scale employer even at a lower salary scale than a small scale business. Hence, attracting best candidates for the small and medium scale organizations which has a less employer brand value is a challenge (Zhao & Liden, 2011).  

  •  Due to the higher costs associated with the selection processes, employers use only one or two selection methods and not all selection methods to test a wide range of employee capabilities are used. This will neglect some of the aspects that are required in the job and will select an incompatible employee for the job at times (Caers & Castelyns, 2011). Therefore, the organizations should use a wide range of selection methods in selecting the best candidate for the organization.

  • Further, when recruiting and selecting the candidate, the employee should be fit with the organizational culture and identifying the cultural fit of the candidate before the appointment is a challenge of recruitment and selection (Caers & Castelyns, 2011). The organization could evaluate the Hofstede cultural dimensions of the organization and compatible candidates should be recruited and selected according to these dimensions in reducing the challenges faced by the recruitment of an inappropriate cultural fit (Caers & Castelyns, 2011).

In minimizing the challenges faced in the selection and recruitment in attracting the best candidate, human resource management theories could also be used

  • Caers, R. and Castelyns, V., (2011). LinkedIn and Facebook in Belgium: The influences and biases of social network sites in recruitment and selection procedures. Social Science Computer Review, 29(4), pp. 437-48.
  • Collings, D., (2014). Integrating global mobility and global talent management: Exploring the challenges and strategic opportunities. Journal of World Business, 49(2), pp. 253-61.
  • Djabatey, E., (2012). Recruitment and Selection Practices of Organisations: A Case Study of HFC Bank (Gh) Ltd., s.l.: Diss.
  • Louw, G., (2013). Exploring recruitment and selection trends in the Eastern Cape. SA Journal of Human Resource Management, 11(1), pp. 1-0.
  • Rehman, S., (2012). A Study of Public Sector Organizations with Respect to Recruitment, Job Satisfaction and Retention. Global Business & Management Research, 4(1).
  • Zhao, H. and Liden, R., (2011). Internship: A recruitment and selection perspective. Journal of Applied Psychology, 96(1), p. 221.


  1. Another Challenge that we can identify is Technology Misalignment -Traditionally, human resources are not technology-driven, but the situation is changing. After all, recruiting professionals and hiring managers need to respond at the speed that people are used to in their daily lives. If you are still using manual or outdated processes, you may be able to throw a valuable applicant to another employer(Simmers and Anandrajan, 2018).

    1. Thank you Sahan. It is true organization recruitment process should update with the technological innovations. Also, the internet has affected the recruitment process to a greater extent. web‐based word‐of‐mouth on organizational attraction and web‐based employee testimonial are some strategies recent recruitment processors utilize attraction (Hoye & Lievens, 2007).

  2. In addition to above, Samwel (2018) explained organizations face following challenges in recruitment & selection process. Lack of well-defined job descriptions, Use of old and ineffective recruitment, selection and retention methods, Lack of selection interview skills, Failure to identify proper retention strategies to all employees.

    1. I agree with you Oshantha. Also, an organization face challenges when selecting the right personality to the job. According to Thomas and Scroggins (2006), most of the personality test include self-reported measures and values, which will result in inaccurate conclusions. Hence the validity of using the personality test score can be subjective.

  3. Selection is influenced by several factors. More prominent among them are supply and demand of specific skills in the labour market, unemployment rate, labour-market conditions, legal and political considerations, company’s image, company’s policy, Human resource planning and cost of hiring. The last three constitute the internal environment and the remaining form the external environment of the selection process.

    1. Thank you Radchika. To add more to the point of company image you have highlighted, Cable and Graham (2000) have identified some vital factors which affect the reputation of the firm. Further contemporary studies provide evidence that organizations should expand their focus beyond providing financial benefits to attract the right skill.

  4. All the above points are valid. Further, one of the drawbacks of internal hiring is that it can attract applicants from employees who are unsuitable or unqualified for the job, although in their present role they may be good employees. A series of unsuccessful applications can be viewed by the employee as a criticism by management of his / her ability, with consequent adverse effects on the morale and productivity of the employee. An employee's application may also be considered a criticism of their performance by the present team leader, especially if the new position is merely a lateral transfer (Compton, Morrissey and Nankervis, 2009).

    1. Valid point Anjula. However, recruiting an internal candidate from the workplace through performance evaluation, employee skill book and succession planning are believed to be motivating factors for the internal staff (Absar, 2012).

  5. Furthermore, The recruiting and selection issues were compounded by the school's outdated and insufficient human resource management system. Additionally, more preferential treatment is given to private primary schools than to government primary schools (Kelkay, 2018)

    1. Interesting point Mizni. I believe the point you highlight may differ from organization to organization and its internal requirements. According to Huang & Busby (2007) accounting for the learning style of a person will benefit the organization. However, some may have a dominating style of learning while some may switch between styles.

  6. agreed. According to Absar (2012), recruiting wrong employees constrict organization performance and it impact on organization image further,best way to select candidate is a structured panel interview.

    1. Thank you, Sankalpa. According to Collins et al. (1995), selection of right candidate should include measurement of academic and non-academic attributes. Hence, structured panel interviews facilitate this achievement within the context of their research. However, I believe that the right selection technique depends on the need of the organization.

  7. In addition to what you have mentioned, Zinyemba (2014) explains that organisations go wrong during recruitment process when Favourism takes place. This will prevent prospective candidates given a fare chance and their valuable contribution to the organization is missed. Hence, it is important that no favourations take place during the recruitment for the betterment of the organization.

    1. I agree upon your point Shan. Selection base of favoritisms is a prejudiced way of selecting. It will not ensure that the right candidate is selected for the right job in a rational process of selection as Weeratunga (2003) state that organization should continue.

  8. Agreed, The recruitment agencies have thus seen extensive changes over the years, and has developed and progressed immensely with the creation of new recruitment tools and processes. It remains however, an ever-challenging environment and industry. Current recruitment trends include social networking, and old recruitment methods (such as billboard advertising) have therefore been minimised with the rise of the internet. Throughout the history of recruitment one aspect has remained the same: it is always changing. The attracting, screening and selection of candidates in whatever circumstance or period, using whichever tools available has always had the same purpose: placing a candidate in a vacancy and the environment in which this has taken place has been changing and evolving since 1940, and will continue to do so (Bill, 2012)

    1. Thank you for the input Chathura. To add more to your point, in the recruitment and selection process, it is vital to have a good knowledge of differences between conventional and modern social media recruitment tools (Dutta, 2014). Further, contemporary studies provide evidence that organizations that adopt right social media sources tend to minimize challenges of recruitment and selection process than other organizations.

  9. Quite astonishing facts. The importance of the relevance between the Job and the capabilities of the candidate have far more implications in organisational excellence (Marr, 2017). If you chose the wrong person for the job then failure of the flow of function within the organisation is imminent.
