Monday, October 21, 2019

Methods of Selection

Selecting the right candidate could be done using written tests, interviews, background tests, medical tests, and application evaluation. Mostly, the first selection tool used by most of the organizations are the application evaluations (Chandrashekar & Sahin, 2014). However, this will ignore the personality traits and the interpersonal skills, rather look into more of paper qualifications and experience of the candidates and hence, the most suitable employee will not be captured. In identifying the personality, language skills and attitudes, interviews could be arranged and in identifying the conceptual skills, knowledge, and expertise various tests could be conducted (Mami & Bellahsene, 2012).

                                                         Figure 4 - Selection Methods

                                                    Source:(Chandrashekar & Sahin, 2014)

Physical and mental fitness could be identified using the medical examinations while the background of the candidate could be evaluated using family background and financial background tests. It is recommended to use as many of these tools to attract the best cadre so that the employee will meet the specific requirements of the organization thereby minimizing the challenges faced in the recruitment and selection functions (Miles & Sadler-Smith, 2014).

The above is stating about the general recruitment methods that are conducted by different organization. These methods may be different from organization to organization. organizations seem to have different levels within the organizational structure such as lower level management, middle level management and top-level management. Based on these organizations would change their way of testing the required candidate for respective positions. The below example of recruiting methods is related to company which I work.

  • Considering about the below lower level management employees, such as cleaners, machine operators, helpers. These employees are hired based on a typical recruitment process. Basically, the HR department is asking for their personal information and their records of experience in the similar capacity. Mostly these kinds of employees are selected on their experience on the same capacity. So that the company is willing to held interviews and through that appropriate persons would be selected to the organization. The candidate will have to go through a simple IQ test that would enable them to work at organization. Employees are mostly attracted through the contacts of the current employees of the organization.
  • The lower level management such as supervisors are selected through another different way. With regard to the company which I am working, the candidate will have to go through an interview with the HR and then they will be interviewed by the respected head of the department. Their education qualifications are being considered and the experience is checked. In some cases, internal employees are also appointed for these positions. Internal recruitment is kept in priority by the said company in order to motivate the employees of the organization.
  • Considering about the middle level management vacancies, the company is paying high attention since the management believe that middle level managers as the most effective line which makes the connection between the lower level and top-level management. The required candidates will have to go through different kinds of selection methods such as interviews with a panel, psychometric testing, ability and aptitude rests, personality testing.  
  • Top-level management is hired using different methods with related to other levels of the experience. Most of the time, highest positions are filled based on the preferences of the board of directors of the organization. They would invite the best people to the position based on the experience in the industry and their unbeatable performances that would help in making the company success in the respective industry.

Looking at the above example with relate to the company which I work, it can be suggested that giving priority over internal recruitment can be limited in order to get fresh blood to the organization. This would enable the company to have a better workforce and they could be improved in making better outcomes at the end of the day because if the recruitment and selection is not properly taken place, the organization will face a wide range of challenges.

·         Chandrashekar, G. and Sahin, F., (2014). A survey on feature selection methods. Computers & Electrical Engineering, 40(1), pp. 16-28.
·         Mami, I. and Bellahsene, Z., (2012). A survey of view selection methods. ACM SIGMOD Record, 41(1), pp. 20-9.
·         Miles, A. and Sadler-Smith, E., (2014). “With recruitment I always feel I need to listen to my gut”: the role of intuition in employee selection. Personnel Review, 43(4), pp. 606-27.


  1. As Add on Willer, Truesdell and Kelly (2017) discussed attracting candidates to the selection process, technology is playing an increasingly important role in recruiting. Electronic technology has also been used to reduce the number of potential candidates. In particular, using online recruiting can mean that employers receive a large number of applications from inappropriate candidates, so using technology to help manage the application form can also be helpful.

    1. Valid point Sahan. As mentioned in Lievens and Chapman (2010) technology has created both problems and opportunities to business firms. There are very recruitment methods using online sources. But the inflow of unqualified applicants has been a problem for a prolonged time. This may reduce the cost-effectiveness of the process. Screening tools such as qualification requirements, age limits etc can assist the screening process.

  2. As you described above, in order to measure cognitive ability and personality of the applicant, Psychometric test can be s a standard and scientific methods used to measure individuals capabilities and personalities. Its enable employers to choose most appropriate candidate for the specified job (Liam healy2008).

    1. Yes, Oshantha. There are several types of psychometric tests which can be used to screen applicants. Main five tests include intellectual tests which assess the problem solving capability, attainment tests which tests acquired knowledge, aptitude test which tests suitability for work types, interest tests which tests the potential satisfaction in job and personality tests which search for particular qualities in a candidate (Chaturvedi, 2009).

  3. Selection methods include these methods also ability test, Integrity tests, Personality describing tests, Knowledge about the job tests, Structured Interview tests, Situational tests,Physical ability tests, Realistic job previews, Forms of the applicants and Preliminary screenings.

    1. Hi Radchika. Yes several screening tests are available. Adding to your point, when conducting the screening process the cost – benefit analysis should be conducted. The total cost of hiring a manager could easily be 10 times as high as once one add search fees, interviewing time, reference checking, and travel and moving expenses (Kumari, 2010).

  4. Agreed on the article, Selection is a systematic process of recruiting a suitable candidate for the right job and the right time. The most important point is for the selection process is manager should predict the suitable candidate will behave according to a request. Recruitment and selection process should carry out very smoothly since in fail of above will lead to an unsatisfied employee to the job role (Hallinger, 2007).

    1. Agree on your point Nayani. Selection process should be able to evaluate the candidate’s suitability and expectations of the job. Recent studies have suggested improvements to selection process in order to be able to understand the candidate better. Contextualization is such an improvement which will enable recruiters to evaluate candidates better.

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  6. Well this is very important area where managers should take correct decision. Recruitment of candidates is the function preceding the selection, which helps create a pool of prospective employees for the organization so that the management can select the right candidate for the right job from this pool. The main objective of the recruitment process is to expedite the selection process (Devi & Banu, 2014). A well-planned and structured interview process is an effective way of helping you to select the most appropriate candidate.

    1. Hi Sithari. Importance of recruiters role has been identified by Kumari (2010) very precisely. Even though an HR manager has many challenges to face in order to ensure that the human resource department contributes to the bottom-line and emerges as a strategic partner in the business, “Talent acquisition” is the key determining factor in how well an Human resource department contributes towards the achievement of the overall objective of the organization and therefore is a daunting task for any HR manager.

  7. Hi Namal, interviews can take the form of a telephone conversation to a face to face verbal interview. While telephone conversations are cost effective and not bound geographically, they can seem too impersonal at times. Moreover, candidate's behaviour and body language cannot be assessed (Barrett, 2019). Therefore, companies must strive for face to face interviews as much as possible in the hopes of selecting the most suitable candidate.

    1. Your point has been mentioned in several sources Jehan. Telephone interviews have potential downside according to Lievens and Chapman (2010) such as less favorable reactions, loss of potential applicants. But these issues can be avoided using advanced technology such as videoconferencing. Increased efficiency in technology mediated selection processes has enabled recruiters to screen employees more precisely.

  8. Agreed, We can now see a change in recruitment methods throughout the years mainly influenced by socio-economic circumstance, as well as development and technological influence. Although the recruitment industry has progressed from hand-written CVs and walk-in applications, the industry remains ever-changing. Since 2010, more people are using social networking sites to recruit staff as well as apply for jobs. Personal branding has taken centre stage, and social networks are ever-present and expanding. Recruiters now have access to millions of professional profiles with the click of a button (Gerome, 2018).

    1. Agree on your point Chathura. In recent years, many recruiters use social networking sites to recruit suitable job candidates due to the massive growth of social media and internet capacities. Therefore, choosing the right internet and social media source has become a crucial decision to be made in the recruitment process for any recruiter (Galanaki, 2002; Sinha & Thaly, 2013). In order to attract the right employees to the organization, it is vital to move away from traditional approaches of recruitment and selection and adopt new internet and social media sources. (Dutta, 2014) ). Further, contemporary studies provide evidence that 93% of recruiters use social media in their recruitment and selection process. (Nikolaou, 2014)

  9. Hi Namal, agree with you. As you mentioned,
    Ability tests are incredibly useful predictors of job performance and thus very often help in making a selection. Typically, these tests include multiple choice questions and are done with paper and pencil or via computer (Pulakos 2005).

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    2. Yes, Thilina; ability tests are very critical factors in terms of predicting job performance. In “The Nature of Intelligence”, Thurstone (1924) depicts: ‘there is considerable difference of opinion as to what intelligence really is, but, even if we do not know just what intelligence is, we can still use the test as long as they are demonstrably satisfactory for definite practical ends.’
