Saturday, September 28, 2019

Douglas McGregor’s Theory in the Garment Industry

In this theory, it talks about two different styles of management. Depending on the situation, there are mainly three ways in which these two theories can be incorporated.

Theory X management style:

TThe core idea behind the basis for the theory is that human beings are lazy and can only work when forced to work by an overseer (Yaeger & Head, 2011). Accordingly, the motivation to work must come from an external source such as the manager is made due to the assumption that workers only work because of they must work. Due to these X factors, recruitment and selection function should be done in order to get the maximum output of the employees (Sorensen & Minahan, 2011)

                                                              Figure 7- Theory Y and X Employees 

                                                            Source: (Sorensen & Minahan, 2011)

Theory Y management style:
The core idea here being people gain self-worth due to the fact they do meaningful works if the workers are doing a fulfilling job this style of management will have a positive effect on them.  These two types of management styles have lots of crossovers with each other (Lawter, et al., 2015).

But using the correct type of management theory or both in the same instance depending on the manager may lead to different outcomes if the proper perception of the situation is not present. The organization should take measures to identify the motivation and productivity levels of the employees in the process of selection and recruitment. By identifying the self-willingness contribution of the employees, the employees can be selected by considering their personalities (Russ, 2013).

For an example, as per company I work , the management is highly encouraging Theory Y environment within the organizational premises. This is highly because of the reason that Theory Y people would support to have a better cultural fit within the working settings. Under Theory Y employees, they tend to work while showing their creativity and knowledge throughout their work tasks performed. This is currently experiencing within the company. These employees are highly working towards making different yet creative stuff that would enable to work out organizational strategies with greater results.

Basically, it is suggested that in order to motivate Theory Y employees, the managers of the organization to create and encourage a working environment which provides opportunities to employees to take self-direction. Also need to make ways for employees to contribute towards uplifting organizational well-being. So that the company which I work could make more decentralized of authority, better teamwork and collective decision making. Finally, it harmonizes and matches employees’ needs and aspirations with organizational needs and aspirations.


  • Lawter, L., Kopelman, R. and Prottas, D., (2015). McGregor's theory X/Y and job performance: A multilevel, multi-source analysis. Journal of Managerial Issues, 1(Jan), pp. 84-101.
  • Russ, T., (2013). The relationship between Theory X/Y: assumptions and communication apprehension. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 34(3), pp. 238-49.
  • Sorensen, P. and Minahan, M., (2011). McGregor's legacy: the evolution and current application of Theory Y management. Journal of Management History, 17(2), pp. 178-192.
  • Yaeger, T. and Head, T., (2011). Douglas McGregor's legacy: lessons learned, lessons lost. Journal of Management History.

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