Friday, October 25, 2019

Methods of Recruitment

Internal Recruitment

Choosing someone internally from the workplace itself is internal recruitment and this can be done through performance evaluation, employee skill book and succession planning (Absar, 2012).

                                            Figure 2 - Internal Recruitment

                                                    Source: (Absar, 2012)

Promoting a currently existing member in the workplace to a higher position, making a temporary member to a permanent member in the workplace, hiring a retired worker to work part-time or as a freelancer or the free position being advertised within the company are some internal recruitment methods (Schultz & Schultz, 2015). Hence, organizations seeking for employee trust, more familiarity and experience should use this method in minimizing the challenges. However, if the right candidate is not available within the organization, they should go for external recruitment (O'Meara & Petzall, 2013)

External Recruitment 

External Recruitment is recruiting new blood to the organization. These include recruiting directly, casual callers, advertising, through agencies involved in employing, contractors, recommendations and academic places (Cordner & Cordner, 2011). Through external recruitment, although a wide variety of candidates are available for the management, the personal and attitudinal background of the candidate is not identifiable and hence the identification of the perfect match for the organization’s culture and system would be a challenge (Omolo, et al., 2012)

                                           Figure 3 - External Recruitment

                                         Source: (Cordner & Cordner, 2011)

However, for the maximum possible extent, the most suitable recruitment method should be used in minimizing the challenges faced in the process and in an effort to recruit the most suitable candidate for the organization.

After the recruitment process, the right candidate should be selected using a wide range of selection methods

  • Absar, M., (2012). Recruitment & selection practices in manufacturing firms in Bangladesh. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, Volume Jan, pp. 436-49.
  • Cordner, G. and Cordner, A., (2011). Stuck on a plateau? Obstacles to recruitment, selection, and retention of women police. Police Quarterly, 14(3), pp. 207-26.
  • O'Meara, B. and Petzall, S., (2013). Handbook of strategic recruitment and selection: a systems approach. Dec ed. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing.
  • Omolo, J., Oginda, M. and Oso, W., (2012). Effect of recruitment and selection of employees on the performance of small and medium enterprises in Kisumu municipality, Kenya. International Journal of Human Resource Studies, 2(3), p. 139.


  1. I agree with above content. However E-Recruitment is faster and cheaper than many traditional methods of recruiting. Jobs can be posted on Internet sites for a modest amount remain there for periods of thirty or sixty days or more - at no additional cost and are available twenty-four hours a day. Candidates can view detailed information about the job and the organization and then respond electronically (Margaret, 2019).

    1. I agree with you Chandran. E-recruitment is fast, cheap and wide-reaching tool compared to traditional recruitment methods (Parry & Tyson, 2008). Furthermore, with the new technology candidates can be interviewed online via video interviewing software

  2. when the wrong candidates are recruited, the costs incurred by the organisation are high and also a waste, therefore, rather than quantity, quality counts a lot, recruiting quality number of employees for the organisational success is vital (Ofori & Aryeetey, 2011).

    1. Valid point Shakir. The primary goal of recruitment is attracting and retaining the right employee for the right position (Weeratunga, 2003). So, the quality of the recruiters matters a lot when ensuring the organization success by reducing waste and time. Also, successful recruitment should have a large pool of applications either through internal or external sources (Absar, 2012).

  3. I agree with you that there are two categories of recruitment methods as internal and external. When considering on the internal recruitment methods: the ideal examples are transfers, promotions and employee referrals where advertisements, e-recruitments, management consultants and walk-ins can be identified as external recruitment methods.

    1. Yes Yohan, apart from the internal methods you have mentioned hiring a retired worker to work part-time or as a freelancer or the free position being advertised within the company also lucrative examples for such category (Schultz & Schultz, 2015). Furthermore, factory gate recruitment, casual callers, campus placements, E-recruiting are some other extern sources of recruitment (Cordner & Cordner, 2011).

  4. Agreed on the article while adding, According to Gusdarf,(2008) Organization internal promotion rules and regulation are heavily affected on internal promotions. Many Organizations Use internal recruitment as a motivation factor of internal staff where it allows rewarding and recognition by promoting employees.

    1. Thank you Nayani, recruiting a person internally from the workplace through performance evaluation, employee skill book and succession planning motivate the internal staff (Absar, 2012). However, all these recruitments should adhere to all the internal rules, regulations and policies of the organization.

  5. Hi Namal,There are basically five internal recruitment sources. These include:-Promotion, Transfer, Job Posting and Job Bidding apart from job bidding all other methods are common.The organization may also want some of its current staff to compete for certain jobs with other candidates, and the organization may arrange job bidding. Armstrong (2006). Job bidding is relativly new internal recruitment method to find out best fit for the perticuler job.

    1. Hi Moraes,Job bidding is indeed a competitive job auction (Candelario, 2012). The applicants may require bidding for the salary or the pay they wish to receive for the job they apply. Also, this method is used when there is large number of applicants internally which exceed the number of available positions.

  6. While agreeing on above comments, let me add a different aspect. More recently, the growing use of the Internet and social media is starting to reflect recruitment practices (Roth, Bobko,Van Iddekinge, & Thatcher, 2013; Stoughton, Thompson, & Meade, 2014), also through video resumes. For example, the Queensland Tourist Board in Australia launched a worldwide recruitment campaign in 2009, encouraging candidates to submit a 60-second video message demonstrating their suitability for a marketing job. This call was responded by an impressive number of 34,000 applicants from around the world (Queensland Tourist Board Australia, 2009).

    1. Thank you Anjula. Henderson and Bowley (2010) state using social media during the recruitment campaign can affect the authenticity of the organization. Further, this source is very useful when reaching the young crowd.

  7. In addition, external recruiting outlets must be sought from outside the company. External sources are outside of a concern. But there's a lot of time and money involved. External recruitment sources include-Factory gate employment, advertising, job exchanges, employment agencies, educational institutions, labor contractors, recommendations (Anand et al., 2018).

    1. Thank you Mizni. However, through external sources of recruitment identifying the perfect match for the organization culture and the organization system is a difficult task (Omolo, et al., 2012). This is owing to the inability to correctly verify the personal background and the attitude of the candidate.

  8. Adding to the points highlighted on the article regarding internal hiring, Goldstein et al. (2017) explains that the internal hiring could involve vertical (a promotion or an advancement in carrier) or lateral (a similar designation to the current one but in a different department) moves of an existing employee within an organization.

    1. Agree on the points you highlight Nadeeranga. Transfer, promotion and employee referrals mentioned by Absar (2012) are among the examples for the vertical and lateral movement of an existing employee within an organization.

  9. Hi Namal, Well explained article. As you mentioned that organizations should use as many of recruitment tools to attract the best team so that the employee will meet the specific requirements of the organization thereby minimizing the challenges faced in the recruitment and selection functions (Miles & Sadler-Smith, 2014). Different types of positions require different kinds of selection techniques. Choosing the right techniques will help you to recruit the best person for the position.

    1. Hi Sithari, I agree upon the point you have highlighted. Successful recruitment should have a large pool of applications either through internal or external sources (Absar, 2012). Also, reputation of the company affects attracting skilled labour to the organization (Cable and Graham, 2000)

  10. Recruiting internal candidate is the best way idea that,organization can access candidates capabilities due to previous work actions,low cost, higher motivation and time saving (Mirza, 2008).

    1. Thank you, Sankalpa. The crucial goal of recruitment is attracting and retaining the right employee for the right position (Weeratunga, 2003). Most of the time this right person can be an internal candidate who has previous experience in the organization. However, utilizing external sources is inevitable if no candidates are available internally (O'Meara & Petzall, 2013).

  11. Hi Namal, while both internal and external sources of recruitment each have pros and cons, companies should first consider the factors that affect recruitment before deciding on the former. These include, but not limited to, labor market, company recruitment policies, size of the organization and competitors (El-Hadidi, 2015).

    1. Hi Jehan, thank you. Also, I believe the reputation of the organization plays a vital role in this regards. Market or the industry in which a firm operates, growth opportunities that an employee provides for employee development, and organizational culture may affect job seekers' reputation perceptions (Cable & Graham, 2000)

  12. Sherzay, Z. (2015) explained the importance of establishing an effective recruitment and selection method is for the company to save time and costs involved inthe searching, interviewing, hiring and training.

    1. Thank you, Sheron. Using the most appropriate recruitment method can minimizing the challenges faced in the process and in an effort to recruit the most suitable candidate for the organization. Further, a suitable candidate should match the culture and the system of the organization (Omolo, et al., 2012).

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Hi Namal, Agree with you.
    According to Robinson (2017), hiring the wrong employees could costs the company, by estimation, up to ten times of the typical employee’s compensation. It could disrupt the company’s culture and morale through the presence of negative influences. Staff turnover would also costs the management their valuable time because now they had to focus on recruiting new employees. Not to mention, the waste of training and salary costs. It could also leave negative impression on the company’s ability to attract future employees.

    1. Valid point Thilana. Ekwoaba, Ikeije, and Ufoma (2015) in a study of the impact of recruitment and selection criteria on organizational performance discovered that recruitment and selection criteria have a significant impact on organization’s performance that the more objective the recruitment and selection criteria, the better the organization’s performance.

  15. Interesting article. However i would like to draw your attention to the importance of e-recruitment. With the globalisation the competition has increased substantially. Hence the emergence of e-recruitment in every part of the world can be seen (Marr, 2017). I would say out of all the methods and ways e-recruitment will supersede and establish as the standard for recruitment with in this decade.
