Wednesday, October 30, 2019


Recruitment and Selection of the right employee for every organization has been a challenge to most of the modern organizations. This has been mainly an issue when the organization recruits from external organizations and first, it is important to identify the definitions of both Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment can be defined as the finding process of the perfect candidate for the job post, within a given time frame, in a cost-beneficial manner (Leisink & Steijn, 2008). It is also defined as the attraction of suitable employees for a job vacancy in an organization (Catano, 2009)


         Figure 1 - Recruitment & Selection Process

                                      Source: (Catano, 2009)

Based on the above figure, it has clearly demonstrated the recruitment and selection process relating to an organization. Identifying the right fill up position is the first thing that should be done in the first place. After identifying the need for recruitment, an organization could plan for it. This can be done through advertising the relevant vacancies in the right way. Right people could be hired inside the organization or outside the organization. After a critical selection process, the organization could find the best candidate for the selected position.

Selection is followed by recruitment where selection is the process of shortlisting the applicants and identifying the best candidate from a pool of applicants. The selection is done based on various criteria and the selection process is followed by the hiring and appointment of the most suitable candidate in the job (Roberts, 1997).

Since recruitment is a challenge to the organization, the organizations should use the right recruitment method in attracting the right candidate. Internal and external methods can be used when recruiting employees to the organization (Gamage, 2014).

Considering about the place I am working, mostly the company policy is to give priority to internal recruitment. Through this the company is trying to find a suitable candidate who already aware of the company better than hiring an outsider, motivating the internal employees to work harder to achieve their career goals, low-cost recruitment cost. After that, the company is considering recruiting candidates outside the organization.

  • Catano, V., (2009). Recruitment and selection in Canada. Boston: Cengage Learning.
  • Gamage, A., (2014). Recruitment and selection practices in manufacturing SMEs in Japan: An analysis of the link with business performance. Ruhuna Journal of Management and Finance, 1(1), pp. 37-52.
  • Leisink,P.and Steijn, B., (2008). Recruitment, attraction, and selection. Motivation in public management: The call of public service, Volume May, pp. 118-35.
  • Roberts, G., (1997). Recruitment and selection. London: CIPD Publishing.


Friday, October 25, 2019

Methods of Recruitment

Internal Recruitment

Choosing someone internally from the workplace itself is internal recruitment and this can be done through performance evaluation, employee skill book and succession planning (Absar, 2012).

                                            Figure 2 - Internal Recruitment

                                                    Source: (Absar, 2012)

Promoting a currently existing member in the workplace to a higher position, making a temporary member to a permanent member in the workplace, hiring a retired worker to work part-time or as a freelancer or the free position being advertised within the company are some internal recruitment methods (Schultz & Schultz, 2015). Hence, organizations seeking for employee trust, more familiarity and experience should use this method in minimizing the challenges. However, if the right candidate is not available within the organization, they should go for external recruitment (O'Meara & Petzall, 2013)

External Recruitment 

External Recruitment is recruiting new blood to the organization. These include recruiting directly, casual callers, advertising, through agencies involved in employing, contractors, recommendations and academic places (Cordner & Cordner, 2011). Through external recruitment, although a wide variety of candidates are available for the management, the personal and attitudinal background of the candidate is not identifiable and hence the identification of the perfect match for the organization’s culture and system would be a challenge (Omolo, et al., 2012)

                                           Figure 3 - External Recruitment

                                         Source: (Cordner & Cordner, 2011)

However, for the maximum possible extent, the most suitable recruitment method should be used in minimizing the challenges faced in the process and in an effort to recruit the most suitable candidate for the organization.

After the recruitment process, the right candidate should be selected using a wide range of selection methods

  • Absar, M., (2012). Recruitment & selection practices in manufacturing firms in Bangladesh. Indian Journal of Industrial Relations, Volume Jan, pp. 436-49.
  • Cordner, G. and Cordner, A., (2011). Stuck on a plateau? Obstacles to recruitment, selection, and retention of women police. Police Quarterly, 14(3), pp. 207-26.
  • O'Meara, B. and Petzall, S., (2013). Handbook of strategic recruitment and selection: a systems approach. Dec ed. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing.
  • Omolo, J., Oginda, M. and Oso, W., (2012). Effect of recruitment and selection of employees on the performance of small and medium enterprises in Kisumu municipality, Kenya. International Journal of Human Resource Studies, 2(3), p. 139.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Methods of Selection

Selecting the right candidate could be done using written tests, interviews, background tests, medical tests, and application evaluation. Mostly, the first selection tool used by most of the organizations are the application evaluations (Chandrashekar & Sahin, 2014). However, this will ignore the personality traits and the interpersonal skills, rather look into more of paper qualifications and experience of the candidates and hence, the most suitable employee will not be captured. In identifying the personality, language skills and attitudes, interviews could be arranged and in identifying the conceptual skills, knowledge, and expertise various tests could be conducted (Mami & Bellahsene, 2012).

                                                         Figure 4 - Selection Methods

                                                    Source:(Chandrashekar & Sahin, 2014)

Physical and mental fitness could be identified using the medical examinations while the background of the candidate could be evaluated using family background and financial background tests. It is recommended to use as many of these tools to attract the best cadre so that the employee will meet the specific requirements of the organization thereby minimizing the challenges faced in the recruitment and selection functions (Miles & Sadler-Smith, 2014).

The above is stating about the general recruitment methods that are conducted by different organization. These methods may be different from organization to organization. organizations seem to have different levels within the organizational structure such as lower level management, middle level management and top-level management. Based on these organizations would change their way of testing the required candidate for respective positions. The below example of recruiting methods is related to company which I work.

  • Considering about the below lower level management employees, such as cleaners, machine operators, helpers. These employees are hired based on a typical recruitment process. Basically, the HR department is asking for their personal information and their records of experience in the similar capacity. Mostly these kinds of employees are selected on their experience on the same capacity. So that the company is willing to held interviews and through that appropriate persons would be selected to the organization. The candidate will have to go through a simple IQ test that would enable them to work at organization. Employees are mostly attracted through the contacts of the current employees of the organization.
  • The lower level management such as supervisors are selected through another different way. With regard to the company which I am working, the candidate will have to go through an interview with the HR and then they will be interviewed by the respected head of the department. Their education qualifications are being considered and the experience is checked. In some cases, internal employees are also appointed for these positions. Internal recruitment is kept in priority by the said company in order to motivate the employees of the organization.
  • Considering about the middle level management vacancies, the company is paying high attention since the management believe that middle level managers as the most effective line which makes the connection between the lower level and top-level management. The required candidates will have to go through different kinds of selection methods such as interviews with a panel, psychometric testing, ability and aptitude rests, personality testing.  
  • Top-level management is hired using different methods with related to other levels of the experience. Most of the time, highest positions are filled based on the preferences of the board of directors of the organization. They would invite the best people to the position based on the experience in the industry and their unbeatable performances that would help in making the company success in the respective industry.

Looking at the above example with relate to the company which I work, it can be suggested that giving priority over internal recruitment can be limited in order to get fresh blood to the organization. This would enable the company to have a better workforce and they could be improved in making better outcomes at the end of the day because if the recruitment and selection is not properly taken place, the organization will face a wide range of challenges.

·         Chandrashekar, G. and Sahin, F., (2014). A survey on feature selection methods. Computers & Electrical Engineering, 40(1), pp. 16-28.
·         Mami, I. and Bellahsene, Z., (2012). A survey of view selection methods. ACM SIGMOD Record, 41(1), pp. 20-9.
·         Miles, A. and Sadler-Smith, E., (2014). “With recruitment I always feel I need to listen to my gut”: the role of intuition in employee selection. Personnel Review, 43(4), pp. 606-27.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Challenges of Recruitment and Selection

Based on the size of the workplace, the type of role for which the recruitment or selection is done, the challenges faced, and problems faced will differ. Below are some of the most common challenges faced by organizations.

                              Figure 5: Highest-Impact Strategic Recruitment Challenges

(Djabatey, 2012)

  • In some cases, the recruitment process will not provide the candidates that fulfill the qualifications of the job (Djabatey, 2012). Hence discovering the best candidate from an underqualified pool of applicants will be a challenge. In a situation like this, the best candidate would be selected rather than the most suitable person for the job. In such a situation, the learning and development capacity of the candidate should also be evaluated by the organization (Djabatey, 2012)

  • Also, candidates who are eligible would be contacted by recruiters regularly, and candidates with rare difficult to find skill sets consider several jobs offers at the same time (Rehman, 2012). Therefore, extra effort must be put in such cases to persuade such candidates to select the recruiter’s company over other companies. Further, the candidates will also negotiate, and the negotiations should be compatible with the company policies and standards which is a great challenge faced by modern organizations (Rehman, 2012).

  •  Further, HR teams whose task is to hire new candidates for the workplace have to find new candidates as fast as possible whenever a position is open. Usually, this time period will be the resignation time allowed by the resigned employee and the HR department should fulfil the position immediately to reduce, delays and bottlenecks in the organization’s processes. Hence, fast firing is a challenge (Louw, 2013)

  • Unconscious biases are usually the basis for many companies to be unable to attract ad recruit diverse candidates (Collings, 2014).. Employing objectively helps a company as it lets recruiters hire the best person for a certain work without stereotype interfering other than just providing legal obligations. Hence, referrals from the top management and their personal recommendations will provide biases for the selected candidate and this is a challenge in recruiting the right candidate for the job (Collings, 2014)

  • Further, better candidates are attracted and engaged if the recruiter has a good employer brand (Zhao & Liden, 2011). More candidates will be willing to work for a popular and a large scale employer even at a lower salary scale than a small scale business. Hence, attracting best candidates for the small and medium scale organizations which has a less employer brand value is a challenge (Zhao & Liden, 2011).  

  •  Due to the higher costs associated with the selection processes, employers use only one or two selection methods and not all selection methods to test a wide range of employee capabilities are used. This will neglect some of the aspects that are required in the job and will select an incompatible employee for the job at times (Caers & Castelyns, 2011). Therefore, the organizations should use a wide range of selection methods in selecting the best candidate for the organization.

  • Further, when recruiting and selecting the candidate, the employee should be fit with the organizational culture and identifying the cultural fit of the candidate before the appointment is a challenge of recruitment and selection (Caers & Castelyns, 2011). The organization could evaluate the Hofstede cultural dimensions of the organization and compatible candidates should be recruited and selected according to these dimensions in reducing the challenges faced by the recruitment of an inappropriate cultural fit (Caers & Castelyns, 2011).

In minimizing the challenges faced in the selection and recruitment in attracting the best candidate, human resource management theories could also be used

  • Caers, R. and Castelyns, V., (2011). LinkedIn and Facebook in Belgium: The influences and biases of social network sites in recruitment and selection procedures. Social Science Computer Review, 29(4), pp. 437-48.
  • Collings, D., (2014). Integrating global mobility and global talent management: Exploring the challenges and strategic opportunities. Journal of World Business, 49(2), pp. 253-61.
  • Djabatey, E., (2012). Recruitment and Selection Practices of Organisations: A Case Study of HFC Bank (Gh) Ltd., s.l.: Diss.
  • Louw, G., (2013). Exploring recruitment and selection trends in the Eastern Cape. SA Journal of Human Resource Management, 11(1), pp. 1-0.
  • Rehman, S., (2012). A Study of Public Sector Organizations with Respect to Recruitment, Job Satisfaction and Retention. Global Business & Management Research, 4(1).
  • Zhao, H. and Liden, R., (2011). Internship: A recruitment and selection perspective. Journal of Applied Psychology, 96(1), p. 221.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Use of Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs theory in motivating Employees in the Garment Industry

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theory

Maslow has proposed a theory which included five hierarchy of needs and this model is used to be applied to understand about organizations and employees’ performances (Gorden,1965). In a company, these physiological requirements are taken cared of using various approaches out of which compensating and providing different benefits being the most common method being used (Sadri & Bowen, 2011). This usually indicates the company’s attitude towards its workers. If the candidates chosen for the workplace do not think that the workplace, they work for is not engaged enough or if they feel ignored, the fulfillment of these needs isn’t completed properly (Kaur, 2013)

                          Figure 6- Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
                                                        Source: (Sadri & Bowen, 2011)

According to the above model, it describes that a particular person does not feel the second need until the time that person is satisfied with the prior need. This would repeat till the end of the last stage. The above different stages are described as below.

1. Physiological needs
These kinds of need could be identified as biological needs which are considered as food, air, water. These needs are the strongest needs which makes person to be fulfilled in the first place. Without these needs, existence of the people cannot happen and as a result of that people would seek for the physiological needs to satisfy themselves.

2. Safety needs
Once all the physiological needs are satisfied by people, their mind would shift towards achieving the safety needs. These needs are basically illustrating the protection from danger, being confident and not feeling fear (Daft, 2013). Considering about the safety needs, these are highly required by the children due to their feeling of insecurity. But adults have little awareness over their security needs such as in cased of emergency or kind of disorganization in the society.

3. Belongings and love need
Once the needs of physiological and safety are fulfilled, people would eventually go to satisfy the next level of needs which is the needs of belonginess and love. At this stage, Maslow has defined people as social beings (Adair, 2013). Maslow states that people seek to overcome feelings of loneliness and alienation. This involves both giving and receiving love, affection and the sense of belonging. 

4. Need for esteem
The next level of need is the need for esteem within the people. At the moment people satisfied with the first three levels of needs, eventually they are expected to consider about satisfying their esteem needs. Under this it shows the need for self-appreciation and self-esteem, such as self-confidence, independence, success and talent (Griffin,2013). Considering about esteem needs, it can be urge in two ways which can be identified as self-esteem and esteem a person gets from others around them. By nature, people are having a need for maintaining a stable, firmly based, self-respect and respects from others. Once a person fulfils this kind of need, he is considered as a valuable person in his surrounding or in the world. Also, in return, when these needs are frustrated, it makes that person feel inferior or helpless. 

5. Needs for self-actualization
When all the above needs are fulfilled, a person would create the urgency in fulfilling self-actualization needs. Here it does not mean that people need one hundred percent satisfaction to move on to this stage (Hodgetts, 2006). Based on Maslow, self-actualization is all about a person’s need to be and do that which the person was "born to do." This simply means that once a person has fulfilled all the needs, they would feel restlessness in satisfying self-actualization needs. However, it is not always clear what a person wants when there is a need for self-actualization

This model is highly important when considering about the existence of an organization. Work force is the ultimate asset for an organization’s success. Therefore, fulfilling their needs within the organizational level would highly affect in achieving greater performance. Therefore, the organization should necessary measurements to identify the demands and needs. Fulfilling necessary needs and wants will attract more candidates to the organization increasing the efficiency of recruitment and selection. Letting the candidates know they are a crucial role in the operation process and confident that the company will respond towards them is a good way of this Maslow’s theory of needs being met in a workspace (Ugah & Arua, 2011).

When applying this model for an organizatoion, most of the time lower level staffa re expecting to satisfy their psyciological and safety needs within the organization. For an example, considering about a garment industry, there are lot of people who are working at a low rate such as machine operators. These people are mainly expecting in satifying their basic needs. Providing a suffieicent salary would help them to satisfy their basic psyciological needs such as food, shelter. Also, through providing free main meal would help them to feel more satified with the company. Also consiering about the safety needs, main thing would be their safety at work and job secuirty. Those would satisfy to a greater extenet where they would positively contribute towards the company.  Another factor is that the company is not keeping the forced labor nor child labor. Also, the company is already certified with the current health and safety needs according to Osha standards. Considering about achieving need for belogings and esteem needs, these are highly required by the top level management of such companies.  These employees are already satisfied the first two stages of needs and they are willing to receive care, affection, recognition from the working surroundings. These could be provided through organizing events and providing rewards for their performance to get a good recognition within the orgaization. Hence, these various needs should be evaluated and should be incorporated in the recruitment and selection process. So that, organization would be in an effective place in hiring the right candidate to fit in the relvant position to fulfill their need catergory at the right point (Greenberg & Baron, 2003).

  • Adair, J. (2013) Develop Your Leadership Skills, Kogan Page Publishers.
  • Daft, R.L. (2013) Management, : Cengage Learning Publishers.
  • Gordon, G.G (1965). The relationship of satisfiers and dissatisfiers to productivity, turnover and morale, American Psychologist. 20,499-502
  • Greenberg, J., and Baron, R. A. (2003). Behaviour in Organizations: Understanding and Managing the Human Side of Work. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice
  • Kaur, A., (2013). Maslow's need hierarchy theory: Applications and criticisms. Global Journal of Management and Business Studies, 3(10), pp. 1061-1064.
  • R. Griffin, “Management,” Boston: Houghton Mifflin Comp., 3rd Edition, 2013.
  • Sadri, G. and Bowen, C., (2011). Meeting employee requirements: Maslow's hierarchy of needs is still a reliable guide to motivating staff. Industrial engineer, 43(10), pp. 44-9.
  • Ugah, A. and Arua, U., (2011). Expectancy theory, Maslow's hierarchy of needs, and cataloguing departments. Library Philosophy and Practice, 4(1), pp. 1-5.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Douglas McGregor’s Theory in the Garment Industry

In this theory, it talks about two different styles of management. Depending on the situation, there are mainly three ways in which these two theories can be incorporated.

Theory X management style:

TThe core idea behind the basis for the theory is that human beings are lazy and can only work when forced to work by an overseer (Yaeger & Head, 2011). Accordingly, the motivation to work must come from an external source such as the manager is made due to the assumption that workers only work because of they must work. Due to these X factors, recruitment and selection function should be done in order to get the maximum output of the employees (Sorensen & Minahan, 2011)

                                                              Figure 7- Theory Y and X Employees 

                                                            Source: (Sorensen & Minahan, 2011)

Theory Y management style:
The core idea here being people gain self-worth due to the fact they do meaningful works if the workers are doing a fulfilling job this style of management will have a positive effect on them.  These two types of management styles have lots of crossovers with each other (Lawter, et al., 2015).

But using the correct type of management theory or both in the same instance depending on the manager may lead to different outcomes if the proper perception of the situation is not present. The organization should take measures to identify the motivation and productivity levels of the employees in the process of selection and recruitment. By identifying the self-willingness contribution of the employees, the employees can be selected by considering their personalities (Russ, 2013).

For an example, as per company I work , the management is highly encouraging Theory Y environment within the organizational premises. This is highly because of the reason that Theory Y people would support to have a better cultural fit within the working settings. Under Theory Y employees, they tend to work while showing their creativity and knowledge throughout their work tasks performed. This is currently experiencing within the company. These employees are highly working towards making different yet creative stuff that would enable to work out organizational strategies with greater results.

Basically, it is suggested that in order to motivate Theory Y employees, the managers of the organization to create and encourage a working environment which provides opportunities to employees to take self-direction. Also need to make ways for employees to contribute towards uplifting organizational well-being. So that the company which I work could make more decentralized of authority, better teamwork and collective decision making. Finally, it harmonizes and matches employees’ needs and aspirations with organizational needs and aspirations.


  • Lawter, L., Kopelman, R. and Prottas, D., (2015). McGregor's theory X/Y and job performance: A multilevel, multi-source analysis. Journal of Managerial Issues, 1(Jan), pp. 84-101.
  • Russ, T., (2013). The relationship between Theory X/Y: assumptions and communication apprehension. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 34(3), pp. 238-49.
  • Sorensen, P. and Minahan, M., (2011). McGregor's legacy: the evolution and current application of Theory Y management. Journal of Management History, 17(2), pp. 178-192.
  • Yaeger, T. and Head, T., (2011). Douglas McGregor's legacy: lessons learned, lessons lost. Journal of Management History.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Recruitment Chalenges and constructive solutions

VIDEO 01- Challenges in Modern Recruitment

Source - (YouTube, 2019)

With the current business environment, the basic rule in corporate recruitment is to not providing any space to afford failure. If so, this would drag particular personnel behind rivals. So that one of the demanding concerns to be strong in the industry is to recruit the right person to the right job at the right time.

Unending requirements emerge from the organizations have made to pay special attention on recruitment where no longer organizations expect generalized staff but the specialized staff in their respective fields of work. Further could be explained that this era of recruitment looks for candidate with hype specialization where they are extraordinary skilled with their talents along with highly mobilized and equipped with networking abilities. Also, speed has become another extreme of suitability for them in filling the requirement at the right time. This means that modern industry recruitment looks at both the quality and the pace of fulfilling the expected tasks.

Current workforce mostly includes the post 90s work force who are highly connected with networks and at the same time their weakness is that they do think about being employable rather than concerning about the organization. All these facts come to a conclusion where specialization of consultancy is more important where it should come up with specialized strategies in selecting the best person for the requirements which emerge through a position.

Video 02- Challenges of recruiting Engineers for Material Handling
Source - (YouTube, 2019)

According to the present industry facts, it has been found out that there exist key issues in strategic workforce management in the field material handling within the supply chain. Based on the current situation, having lack of labor in occupying as industrial engineers are emphasized badly in the environment. Through this seems as a simple problem, it has got a complicated solution where industries are having short of finding qualified and talented candidates for the respective jobs. One of the reasons for the above situation is that most of the students are attracted to others fields such as financial, tourism, hotel industry etc. Students are not encouraged to follow engineering fields by the respective parties.

Even though organizations are making great effort on their industrial engineers through giving vast training programs along with the relevant education, the managements have fall behind in fulfilling the vacancies. Industrial engineering being the back born of the most of the businesses, world needs to put serios concern on making the young generation study on these critical subjects so that it would highly affect the success of the world forward in the future. 


Video 01 –
  •    YouTube. (2019). Recruitment Challenges and Constructive Solutions by Mr Rajesh Pandey. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 September 2019]

Video 02 
  • YouTube.(2019). The Challenges of Recruitment. [online] Available at: [Accessed 30 September 2019].